What is the proof that God exists?


“What is the proof that God exists?”. This is a major argument hold by an atheist which is not quite easier to answer to a person who only claims to rely on Facts & Logic!? Are atheists right in their claim that they don’t accept anything other than Facts and Logic?

Let me elaborate on something here. There are different types of self-proclaimed atheists.

  1. One who completely denies the existence of a Creator or God. This is plain and clear that whatever Logic we bring to them, they will not believe until they see God by themselves.
  2. One who denies the existence of God because science hasn’t discovered God yet and if science discovers a Creator then they may believe in Him. But what is the benefit of believing in God when you don’t believe in “Life after Death”? aka Hell & Heaven! Science can no way prove the Hereafter, because no one has seen the future, at least not possible in our life.

So, does the atheist accepts only facts & logic?

Until a century ago, no scientist or atheist knew how the universe came into existence, but the Quran (21:30) had the answer 1300 years ago. Science doesn’t guarantee accuracy in predicting of the past or future. A simple example here is Evolution, no one has seen evolution in major species, in the end, evolution is not a fact, it’s a theory, yet atheist blindly believes in it. A theory can be debunked but a fact remains the same because fact is a observable evidence and theory is findings of a specific person which can be wrong.

Many times scientific forecast predicts 100% rain or sunshine but weather behaves opposite of it, so tell me why we should blindly trust scientists’ ability to be accurate about life on earth “millions year ago”? be it evolution, dinosaurs, or finding stars thousand of light-years away.. doesn’t it sounds like a fairy tale or a lie?! Now, where is your fact & logic?

Keeping all this debate aside, at one point we come to a stage where we have no evidence to prove our point, we blindly believe in it. Like ‘Big Bang’, atheist can not prove who caused the big bang, because simple physics is for any object to come in a motion it must be given a motion, a ball on a plain surface cannot move until you push it. Thus big bang cannot happen by itself but Quran has the answer for it “Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, and We separated them and made from water every living thing? Then will they not believe?” (Quran 21:30).

Thus faith is in believing in the unseen, be it of past or future. Atheist or Theist, they both believe in something which they haven’t seen, Big Bang or God. Atheist trust works of scientists or scientific discoveries and Theists trust Prophets or Religious Scriptures.

We hold faith in people, the one who we love, whom we trust, with whom we deal or simply whom we rely upon blindly be it Scientists or Prophets because for some science makes sense and for some religion (FYI: Islamic religion doesn’t neglect science, Quran has numerious scientific discoveries before scientist actually discovered). Living in the twenty-first century we believe in something which we haven’t seen and something which happened 1000’s of years ago.

We have an amazing organ, the brain, it’s so powerful that it knows no limit, it’s thinking capability can travel faster than light, it can store uncountable data, and mostly it has sense, to think!.

Science has answers for “How” but not for “Why”. Science can explain how the sun, earth and moon are rotating on their own axis so perfectly, but science have no answers for why it’s rotating so perfectly, why the timings of sunset or sunrise are so accurate all the time every year?. Does the sun has a brain to think and do its duty or its just coincidence that everything is happening so perfectly for everyone other than my life?!

So, If God is real, then He must show his signs that He exists and He is the reason behind our existence?. Well, God is not our slave to obey our commands, it’s we the one who are His slave, we have enough signs around us to believe that there is someone so powerful who is the reason behind our existence and He deserved to be obeyed and bring faith in His promise (Heaven) for obeying Him.

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In the end, by atheist logic, we gain or lose nothing after we die for whatever we believe in, but what if God is real and so are His promises?


Life is short, give yourself a chance in believing in Him, you will lose nothing though. What if God and Life after Death is real, keep your ego aside, better be late than regret. Bring the faith in God.

If God exists then who created him? Go here: https://islamisforeveryoneblog.wordpress.com/2017/06/29/271/

Why should we obey God? Go here: https://islamisforeveryoneblog.wordpress.com/2018/04/22/why-should-we-obey-god/

What is Islam? Go here: https://islamisforeveryoneblog.wordpress.com/2016/02/15/what-everyone-should-know-about-islam-3/

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